Meet Cute Generator

A Meet Cute is when a potential romantic couple meets for the first time, usually in a funny or amusing way. If you’re looking for ideas on how your couple will first meet, give this generator a shot.

Your Meet Cute:


By Mix Vixen

Random hot ladies making random hot generators. Chaos, inspiration, and foxy fun.


  1. “A lawyer walks into the courtroom, and a crazy cat lady is in the stall throwing cats at the judge”

    First try, and I get this. I want to see this in an Ace Attorney game.

  2. Interesting: An apple and a banana live in the fruit bowl and the counter-top, where the banana is situated. The apple falls out of the fruit bowl one day, and the banana saves it from falling off the counter-top.

  3. Or: Character A is an author at a book signing, and character B, a die-hard fan, is next in line for A’s autograph and spectacularly T.I.C.K.E.D that A killed off their favorite character.

    Character A is in a movie theater when a scene comes on that triggers them and they start having a panic attack. B is sitting in the seat next to them and notices, so they help A out of the theater and sit with them until the attack is over.

    Character A is in an argument with someone insulting their fandom, and person B overhears and comes to the rescue cause fangirls and boys gotta stick together.

    Character A overhears character B singing a song from their favorite musical, and so they join in and the two get really into it and accidentally flash mob the whole store\restaurant\street.

    Character A is playing the piano at a function and is incredibly nervous. They accidentally make a mistake, but before they can run offstage, Character B in the crowd jumps up on stage and sits on the bench next to them and helps them finish the rest of the song.

    Character A sees character B sitting in a corner of the cafe sobbing and asks if they’re okay. B tells them their favorite character just died, and A offers to buy them a coffee and sit with them cause they read that book too and know how B feels.

    Character A mistakes character B for a librarian because they’ve been to this library since they were little and know the whole place like the back of their hand. So A keeps asking B where to find certain books or sections and B is too polite to correct them.

    Character A is mistaken by character B for a celebrity and they ask for a selfie and an autograph. A is used to the mix-up and goes along with it.

    Character A is in a party band and character B requests a really tacky song that they absolutely DESPISE.

  4. Two Sasquatches are eating berries in the forest, at separate sections of the plateau of nature. Sasquatch A hears Sasquatch B be attacked by humans, and rushes to the rescue.

  5. Person A is in the house chilling, then person B bangs on their door. Person A opens up and Person B burst in. Person B is all bloody and is hurt and Person A is freaking out.
    “Hide me!” Person B shouts. So Person A cleans Person B and now Person B is in debt to Person A.
    Now Person B won’t stop doing things until they pay back person A

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